c3pm commands

How to use c3pm commands?


This command adds a new dependency to the current project. It downloads, unpacks, builds and installs the dependency following the dependency handling spec.

Command format
ctpm add [packages ...] [options]

packages is a list of terms, each indicating a package to add as a dependency. Each entry should follow the format:


Where name is the name of the package to install, and version describes the version to install, defaulting to latest.

  • --force - Will redo the whole installation process even if the package is already installed.


This command removes a dependency from the c3pm.yaml.

Command format
ctpm remove [packages ...]

packages is a list of package name to remove.


This command initializes a project so that the user can start programming right away.

Command format
ctpm init [?path]

By default, running this command will create a few files:

  • A c3pm.yml file.
  • Depending on the user's choice, a project template of either a library or an executable.
  • A CMakeLists.txt file.
  • A .c3pm directory.
  • Depending on the user's choice, a LICENSE file.

The command accepts one positional argument, indicating the directory in which to init the project. If the user doesn't provide any arguments, the project will be initialized in the current directory.

User interaction

In order to init the project correctly, the CLI will ask some information about it.

  • The type of the project, which can be either executable or library.
  • The name of the project.
  • A short description of the project.
  • The version of the project, using SemVer format.
  • The licence to use.

In addition, this command has some options to alter its behavior.

  • --no-template - will not create a code template.


This command allows the user to login.

Command format
ctpm login
User interaction

This command will ask the following information to the user:

  • Its username.
  • Its password.


This command logs the user out of the application

Command format
ctpm logout


This command compiles the current project. It generates the cmake scripts following the configuration in c3pm.yml then executes the cmake and make commands.

It stores the generated files following the .c3pm directory specs.

The command then copies the build output in the project's root.

Command format
ctpm build
  • --output, -o <dest> - change the output file name


The publish command handles the package publication process.

Command format
ctpm publish

It must first check if an authentication file exists under the user-level .c3pm directory, and aborts if none exists. Otherwise, it must follow the publication process specs.